Communicate 2.1.1- Identify Stakeholders

Do the descriptions correlate to your perception? How can they be expanded upon or described further?

Yes, the descriptions do correlate to my perception, but I would like to expand a little further:


Not only should the instructor communicate in a professional tone, but in a friendly, approachable tone and free of spelling and grammatical errors.  The instructor needs to ensure availability to the students and let the students know from the very beginning all the possible ways to contact the teacher.  Students should never feel apprehensive about asking the instructor for help.  The instructor and students, play an interactive role in online learning and instruction.  The instructor is expected to possess content knowledge to lead the students and to provide every possible opportunity for students to succeed.  The Instructor also plays a role of counselor by offering advice and tips for improvement. In addition, the instructor is a motivator with many tools to communicate motivational messages to the students.  Instructors must also communicate with parents about students’ progress in a timely manner with calls if the student is failing in order to avoid violating FERPA guidelines by sending failure notices in an email.  Newsletters are a great example of open communication with parents and students.



In order to be successful in an online course, students must constantly communicate with the instructor regarding concerns or questions.  Students should be proactive in communicating with their instructor.  Students should be instructed on how to enter a synchronous session, send appropriate emails and making phone calls.  In addition, students must be aware of the AUP and Netiquette guidelines.  


Parents’ role in online education includes supporting and motivating their student. As a matter of fact, parents play a very active role in their student’s success and teachers rely heavily on parental involvement.  The parent assumes the role as a coach and mentor to support their student’s progress and success.  Parents can offer insight and answer student’s questions about the course if they have knowledge of the content.

School Admistration:

School personnel should support any students who are taking an online course during the school day.  Personnel should monitor the students’ progress and motivate them to stay on target with the assignments.  Efforts should be made to communicate with the online instructor should any cheating take place.  School personnel actually should play the role of coach and supporter as well as the parents and instructor.   

Are there other stakeholders within an online environment not considered above?

Other stakeholders that should be considered include school counselors, case managers of special needs students, and even homebound instructors.  These stakeholders also play an important role in the success of the online students by maintaining constant communication.













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