Navigate 4.1.1- Trend Impact

It is hard to choose just one trend that will make the most impact on digital learning over the next five years.  Here are some that I feel will be the most relevant in future educational trends. 

  1. Web-based tools in e-learning- more collaborative tools such as “collaborative authoring” which allows remote collaboration.
  2. Personal Learning Networks such as MERLOT.
  3. Mobile learning- tablets and smart phones for individualize learning apps.
  4. Open Study- student communities where students can ask question, give help and earn medals or badges.
  5. MOOCS- Massive Online Open Courses are going to be big to promote individualized learning experiences.
  6. Mobile games- Gamification is sweeping the nation and it will engage and motivate students. 
  7. Augmented Reality- Foreign language teachers could take students to a class trip to the Eiffel Tower and make education personal and memorable.

Overall, I would say that web-based tools in e-learning using mobile devices will make the most impact on future learning.  With future LMSs, they will probably incorporate many of the trends in my list.














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