Curriculum and Instruction Artifact

Vicki Campos

Education 650

Lesson Plan: Immigration and Ethnic Heritage- French III

Unit Outline Title: French History and Culture

Name of Lesson:  French Canadian Immigrants in New England

Suggested Time: 7-10 days




The students understand and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated. The students:

  1. Participate in real or simulated cultural events.  
  2. Discuss patterns of behavior typically associated with culture(s).
  3. Investigate the role of geography and the history and development of the culture studied.   



The students understand and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the cultures studied and how they are interrelated.



The students investigate similarities and differences that exist within and among the cultures studied.


Essential Questions:

1.What evidence do we have that French Canadian immigrants settled in New England?

2. What values did they bring with them that helped shape the region?

Assessment Description/Performance Task:

Constructed response Informal assessment

Performance task Selected response

 Instructional Resources/Materials

Through the use of the, students will have the opportunity and be required to review the following primary sources:

 America from the Great Depression to World War II: Photographs from the FSA and OWI, ca. 1935-1945.


Primary Resources from the Library of Congress:

Old man sawing wood

French-Canadian inhabitant of Lowell, Vermont, and his grandchildren.

Homes of paper mill workers, Berlin, New Hampshire

Mr. Isadore Lavictoire, French Canadian dairy farmer        

near Rutland, Vermont

Children of Baptiste Deprui

Children of paper mill workers, Berlin, New Hampshire

French-Canadian potato farmers waiting in line

Mrs. Baptiste Jendreau

Main Street in the French section

Going to church, Manchester, New Hampshire

Entire family crew of potato pickers

Dinner hour at the home of Mr. J.H. Dube*

Grandmother in the Patrick Dumond family

Young French-Canadian wife of poor potato farmer

The children and mother of Mr. Patrick Dummond




Chart paper





Content Objectives:

Identify the main characteristics of French Canadian immigrants;

Gain insight into the impact that French Canadian customs, language, religion, and values have had in shaping New England

Enhance French language skills through oral discussions and written assignments.


Best Practices:



Guided Practice                                  

Independent Practice                         


Language Skills                          






Learning Strategies

Links to background

Links to past learning

Comprehensible input


Grouping Options

Whole class

Small groups



Formative Assessment






Lesson Sequence:


Formative/learning Assessments- Days 1-6

Day 1

1.     Build background/brainstorming: Students’ prior knowledge of French Canadian immigrants will be discussed. Students will discuss any places/people in the area with French names.

Are there any students with French last names? Do you know anyone with a French last name? Are there any places in the area with French last names (street names, buildings, towns, rivers, etc.)?

2. Partner work/Topics: French Canadian Immigrants in New England Topics(PDF, 20 KB)

Teacher will assign pairs of students to research two topics on the above list such as:

            Reason for immigrating









Day 2

1. Using the American Life Histories collection, teacher will demonstrate to the students how to evaluate a primary source interview.  Hard copies of the interview of Henri Lemay can be given to the students or it can be viewed online.  Hard copies would be preferable for students in order for them to take notes. 

2.  Students will be instructed to investigate many interviews and periodicals during the search process. Students begin their American Memory collections search.  Students will record their findings for manuscripts and periodicals.  Teacher will share the notes on the bulletin board or online. 

Day 3

1. Analyze depression era photographs

2. Model analyzing one photograph, recording thoughts on the primary source analysis tool: Analyzing Photographs and Prints

3. Put the students into small groups of three requiring three different responsibilities: “vocabulary scribes”, “reporters” and “debaters”

4. Hand out the Analyzing Photographs and Prints worksheet 

5. Student groups will select and print one photograph, analyze it and find elements characteristic of the French Canadian immigrant experience.

Day 4

1. Discussion stage (See “Differentiation” strategies).


Vocabulary scribes (lower level learners):  keep a list of French words and expressions that appear in nearly all of the American Life Histories. They will post their vocabulary finding on the wall on chart paper.

The learning objectives include:

1)    identifying the main characteristics of French Canadian immigrants.

2)    gaining insight into the impact that French Canadian customs, language, religion, and values have had in shaping New England

3)    and enhancing French language skills through oral discussions and written assignments.

Reporters (on-level learners): During the discussion stage of the lesson, “reporters” can be asked to use this vocabulary to answer the following questions:

  1. Do contradictions come to light?
  2. Do patterns emerge (is there anything that you see over and over again)?
  3. Are there any conclusions to be drawn from these commonalities, contradictions, and/or patterns?

Resources: LOC

Go to the home page of American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940.

  1. On the Life Histories map page, click on the New England state of your choice.
  2. Click on Search. It is in this search box that you will begin using key words for searching about information on your topics.
  3. Record your findings.
  4. Take time to go back to the WPA Life Histories map page and click on other New England states to search for information on your topics. Don't forget to record these findings as well.

In the portrait of French Canadians, from the American Life Histories (self-portrayals) and the Nineteenth Century Periodicals (journalists' reports)

1.     Go to the home page of The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals.

  1. Click on Search by keyword. This will bring you to the Search Descriptive Information or Full Text screen.
  2. Scroll down to the Search Full Text search box. It is in this search box that you will begin using keywords for searching about information on your topics.
  3. Record your findings.
  4. Be sure to look at a variety of articles. Don't forget to record your findings for each separate article.

Notes are posted on a large bulletin board in the classroom or online.

Analysts (advanced level learners):  Analyze the photos by completing the photo analysis tool in French (below) and report their findings to the class.

Analyse d’une Photographie

Choisissez une photo des immigrés canadiens français et analysez-la. Imprimez (1) la photo de votre choix; (2) les notes bibliographiques. Servez-vous des questions suivantes pour guider votre analyse. Soutenez toute opinion personnelle de cette façon: "Je vois.......ce qui me fait croire que......."

1. Que voyez-vous dans cette photo? Décrivez-la de façon qu'une personne qui ne la regarde pas puisse en évoquer l'image.

2. Etudiez les gens individuellement. Dans quel sens se ressemblent-ils? Quelles en sont les différences?

3. Comment sont-ils habillés?

4. Que font-ils?

5. Que peut-on entendre ou presque sentir?

6. Est-ce qu'on a photographié les gens à leur insu ou ont-ils eu l'occasion de se préparer?

7. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'exceptionnelle ici qui a attiré le photographe? Que voulait-il révéler?

8. Peut-on imaginer ce qui s'est passé quelques minutes avant et après la photo? 

Day 5

With a partner, compare and contrast the experiences of an immigrant in New England today with those of a French Canadian immigrant in the late 19th century. 

Day 6- Formative Assessment: Using all your notes and postings on the charts, answer one of the following questions in a one-page essay. 

1. Quelle preuve avons-nous que les immigrants canadiens français se sont  installés en Nouvelle-Angleterre?

2. Quelles valeurs est-ce que les candiens français ont apportés avec eux qui ont contribué à façonner la région?

Day 7 (7-10)Performance Assessments (Teacher could have students choose one to be completed during one day or assign one assessment per day to extend the unit another 3 days)

1. Depict graphically the influence of French Canadian immigrants in New England. Students will then present their depictions and explain to the class.     

2. Create a skit: Assume the role of foreman in a textile mill at the turn of the century. Using the characteristics of the immigrants discussed in class, persuade your boss to hire French Canadians.

3. Assume the role of a French Canadian immigrant. Produce a journal entry or write a letter to a relative in Canada.

4. Write an article for a gazette published in "Little Canada" at beginning of the 20th century.
















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