Create 1.1.1- Time Management

04/22/2014 22:17

The following time management tools relate to both my personal and professional life:

1. To do list- I use Evernote because it combines in-app and email reminders with to-do lists.  It is easy to pin notes to the top of the list and see my to dos.  I can also share notes and to-do lists with other Evernote users.  By keeping a to-do list, I am more organized and I can tell what needs my immediate attention and what I can leave until later. A list helps me to avoid overload and to stay focused.  I find that I am less stressed because I don’t forget important tasks. Evernote is also great for notes and grocery lists. 

2. Outlook Calendar- All my appointments are in my calendar and I have set reminders for 15 minutes before each appointment.  I also have recurring events that happen on certain days each week.  There is a journal that I use to track time and activities, a Task Manager and a Notes feature as well.  I synchronize Outlook with my iPhone and iPad.  The Contact Manager in outlook is a great for organizing contacts. 

3. Set Goals- Goals give me direction and are essential for me to stay focused.  I have to be mindful to make sure that my goals are obtainable and realistic. I try to make my goals challenging but not overly stressful. I enjoy achieving my goals and the sense of accomplishment that comes with success.

4. Reward Yourself- I love to reward myself and celebrate achieving my goals.  It is important to take care of reward ourselves after working so hard to reach a goal or to finish a major project.  Taking time for ourselves is rejuvenating and keeps us fresh.  If we don’t reward ourselves, it can lead to burn out. 

5. Consider Your Biological Prime Time- I am very cognizant of when I work best and I am most alert.  I am a morning person and I am most productive at the beginning of the day.  I use the mornings for assessing student work and organizing my to-do lists.  I am most creative and productive at this time of day. 













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