Communicate 4.1.2- Rubrics

04/16/2014 22:51

As a French and Spanish teacher, I have used Rubistar and iRubrics for many years to create rubrics  that address the four domains of reading, writing, speaking and listening.  I am showcasing a rubric that I use to assess  formative speaking assessments. This rubric has been very effective for grading formative speaking assessments. I used iRubrics to create this rubric.  

Rubrics are like a map that shows the way for students to arrive at a successful destination.  Parents appreciate the use of rubrics because they clearly understand why a certain grade was given.  Rubrics provide students with a clear understanding of what is expected of them. In addition, they provide students with concrete feedback regarding areas in which they need to improve. Students can use this feedback as a tool to improve their skills, and the main point is for the rubric to help students learn more and produce better final products.














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